Networking Volunteering in the Earth Charter City

Dear Warburgers,
We can consider ourselves lucky that there are many voluntary groups, associations and initiatives in Warburg that are very committed to the community, cohesion and an improvement in living conditions in Warburg.
With numerous short-term and long-term offers on topics such as integration, participation, community, education, sport or the environment, the volunteers contribute to a social, sustainable and lively life in the Hanseatic city of Warburg.
However, the everyday life of many people has been put to the test for a long time by the corona pandemic. Meetings and activities of all kinds have become difficult. Some pre-existing problems have been exacerbated by the pandemic:
Loneliness is visibly increasing among young and old people and migrants are little integrated. Mental and (learning) problems in children and young people are increasing.
We would like to face these challenges together and with each other for each other (Further) developing offers that enable encounters, support, community and joy.
We ask you to collect suggestions and ideas in your initiative, which offers are currently missing in Warburg, of which you have the impression that they are additionally desired and necessary.
From open meetings for certain age groups, to extended learning support, free music lessons, extracurricular work offers, to additional sports offers or reading groups, etc.
As a volunteer, you are already making a valuable contribution to a wide range of needs.
However, there are also challenges for volunteering in Warburg beyond the offers, e.g. a lack of awareness of the offer or a lack of networking, as well as a lack of premises, etc.
We would like to create space for the volunteers to briefly present their offer (what? when? where? contact?):
On the other hand, we would like to invite the volunteers to express wishes and needs that can help to better offer and implement their offer:
The aim of this platform is a lively exchange that networking meeting in the summer of 2022. In this context, we want to get to know each other better, think about the commitment together and develop plans together, like we do with each other for each other be able to design something in Warburg.
David Flore, Katja Walther, Jürgen Thon, Dagmar Feldmann, Ricardo Blaszczyk, and Valeria Geritzen
(Initiative Networking Volunteers)
Write to us about your impressions of the changed social situation:
1. ask
What offers does your association/ initiative offer in Warburg or in the localities?
2nd question
What needs do you see in the Warburg urban community (including the 16 localities)?
3rd question
What ideas for further offers do you have/have you already come up with with the respective association or initiative? When is the best time to start the new offer?
4. ask
What do you need for your association/ initiative in order to be able to work and implement better?
5. ask
Do you have open questions that should be discussed or would you like to clarify something?
Background information:
Here is a link to a recent Zeit article (February 20, 2022) dedicated to the deteriorating mental health of children after two years of the pandemic: owns all rights to the content of the linked text