Blue hour in the arctic ocean ...
🌊 3.2cm the sea level has risen in the past decade, 18cm in the past century. Doesn't that sound like a lot? One thing is clear and alarming, the ice is melting faster.
⁉️ When will climate change reach tipping points at which the eternal ice will rapidly melt? An overarching question with far-reaching consequences.
☀️ Incidentally, the sea level rose recently due to the generally warmer temperatures around the world, at which water, like any body, expands.
🥶 If the Arctic and Antarctic ice melts, we are talking about a rise in sea level of around ~ 70 meters worldwide. One third of Cologne Cathedral would be in the water.
🤓 For the 21st century, an increase of 100 to 180 centimeters is expected due to the even warmer temperatures.
The Erd-Charter Ideenwerkstatt invites you to the Corvinushaus Warburg on November 15 at 7 pm: “Ice cream with plastic - a somewhat different expedition” is the title of the lecture that speaker Simone Flörke, journalist from Warburg, will bring with her that evening.